Thursday, November 25, 2004

and with a thankful heart I bring my offering......

long time no post eh? My... how life's priorities have changed. It sure feels nice to be home again =) This will definitely be a weekend to catch up on the lost sleep from last weekend. However, my lost youthfulness of the previous weekend was totally worth it. Matt Wertz and Dave Barnes concert definitely increased my appreciation for acoustics. Homedawg coming was fun, kinda turned the hands of time back to high school...slightly more crazy dancing though. Then Charity Night of Giving at Barton Creek Square Mall was pretty fun to chill with my social work gals AND we got to walk from Caesar Chavez all the way back to Jester in the sopping rain, not to mentioned i got to bring the worms stuck on my foot back to the dorm with me. To really top the weekend off, Justine and I ate an apple pie while we watched the ultimate movie Jason and the Argonauts.... now that is what I call a spectacular weekend. Then there was this week.....jam session in James's room and Sharktales to wee hours..S.B. sg jamming in jester east... and speed scrabble, squabble, and sloth till the crack of dawn (literally). So this break... I shall be eating and sleeping to my health like the resta you (hopefully).

Last night at Concert of Prayer, we got to share about the things we're thankful for. God is such a giving God; who constantly exceeds our expectations of what he pours out to us. Although, I mentioned several things that I"m thankful for, the list goes on...and I shall proceed to share a little more of what else it is I'm thankful for.

*All the older folk at UT: All of you have been the older siblings I've never had, always taking interest in our odd freshman-like behaviorisms and making sure we get our medicines when we get sick. Not only are we taken care of but a big thanks for taking the time to welcome us into the UT community this first semester. Definitely working out to be the home away from home.

*A big praise to God for teaching me to live more simply. Whenever I come home, I realize the degree of abundance to which we live. Everything that we need and so much more has been placed all under one roof. Being at college, I bring a minimal amount of stuff, share a bedroom with someone else, a bathroom with three people, and I don't really have a pantry full of junk food. In a sense, it's kind of like fasting. You don't know how much you actually need until you realize how little you can actually live on.

*My parents, who show me God's love in a tangible way.

I liked how John mentioned that we often thank God for what he gives us, but we can forget to thank him for being who he is, for the characteristics he posses. This season, dont just be thankful, but be a God-thanker.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

building a mystery.......

it's funny how the four of us in 54 and 56 can use an entire roll of toliet paper in one day. Four girl loads of pee and poo will do that ya know.....

it's raining hard outside. I can hear the thunder roar. Oh my....there are people running around in the rain out in the courtyard. I love rain but I wish it was cold.

Did you know that two cities in texas are on the top 10 US cities with the highest poverty rates? It's incredible...the stats you learn from social work.

yay for more male social workers. They can always use more in the field, so if you're a guy that doesn't know what they want to do in the future, please consider social work as a profession =)

I need to make a cultural dish...

Saturday, November 13, 2004

ground beneath my feet.....

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ." Ephesians 1:3

God blesses us so that we can bless others. If that is the case, what blessings we have to give. This has been one of the best weekends I've had since the school year started (dont get me wrong, I love Austin). Everytime I encounter a piece of home, whether it's visitors, food, or just being back in SL, I feel a sense of completeness ...although I'm never really lacking in anything. I like the familiarity of my family and how my bed always looks welcoming for me to rest upon. I like how my mom makes sure I get enough to eat and how my sister makes me play with her. Despite the change that has happened, and how time runs it's course here while I'm gone, something about the people I love never change.

SOoo... as I predicted, the little sister shook me awake at 10:30 (ungodly for a saturday, I know). However, I persisted my dormancy until around 11:45 when the sound of my mother's voice resonated the words "dim sum"....for who can resist the savory taste of good ole Houstonian canton traditions? In no time, I was ready and we mounted our trusty Windstar towards our destination. I must say that J2 will never satisfy my stomach the way dim sum can.

After a delicious meal and running into half my parents friends, we drove over to AMC. It's been a while since I've watched a movie with my family, and what movie could have been more fitting than The Incredibles? If you're wondering whether that movie is worth your buck...I've got five words for you...go see it for yourself! I think my dad and I scared the little kid next to me. There was this one part in the movie when we just busted out laughing, and we laughed so hard that both of us started crying (I get my laughing habits from my dad). The movie proceeded to be more enjoyable once we wiped the tears from my faces. After the movie, to top the evening off... I ate a homecooked potluck meal.

The remainder of the night was rather lonely, but eventful. I cannot emphasize how awesome of a store Target is.

So now what? Study...that's what. Studying at home is possible..... sometimes.

Friday, November 12, 2004

no one else.....

the mounting anticipation...the numbing in my toes....the emptiness in my stomach...all came down to one thing....I wanted to go home....and here I am =)

After seven weeks of not driving, I mad-womanly started my car and sped down williams trace. Upon arrival of my destination, I ran from the parking lot into the restaurant so my dad wouldn't see me through the glass wall of Chinese Cafe. I stealthily walked across the tile floor all the while shushing the adults, so they wouldn't ruin the surprise. The moment I clasped my arms around my dad's neck and uttered "happy birthday" his buddy took a picture and thus captured the surprised look on my beloved father's face. I remember the last time I left home, he almost's been a while since I've seen him smile like that. When I sat down to stuff my face with CHINESE dad told me that when he was finishing up dinner he felt kinda sad that I'd have to miss his birthday dinner (although he distinctively told me it would be okay to wait till thanksgiving to come home....never listen to your parents...the truth is they always want you to come home even when they say you should stay at school for no apparent reasons).

I thoroughly enjoyed dinner with my parents, Isabel, and parent's buddies. It's nice to be loved by home. I adore the feel of steering wheel between my palms...the scent of coolness in my room (and the fact that my dad vacuums it when I'm not there...and how my mom cleans my sink cuz it was gross)....saturday morning in your blanket dont wanna get up in the morning cuz you can stay in bed feeling.....hearing the interesting noises coming out of Odie as I strum it....chinese food!!!

Why did I have to grow up so fast?!?

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Dear brothers & sisters,

The earth is full of His unfailing love! Tony¡¦s blood count this week is exceptionally good and the blood test indicates his liver is still functioning well. He only has to work on his appetite and nausea, which happens the next two or three days after the treatment. Everything went well yesterday. They will do the CT scan on him to check if the chemo is working after two more treatments.

It was not till now that we totally discern how and why afflictions can turn into countless blessings! First of all, we found out our elder son is so thoughtful and caring! We are developing a much better relationship now. He is even financially supporting us. We never imagine this would happen so soon. We know God is working on him and we have been praying ceaselessly for his turning back to Him.

Then my brother-in-law, who came from Hong Kong to help us out, has made his decision to believe in Christ, and he is diligently reading and trying to understand God¡¦s Word.

One of Tony¡¦s sisters and some of our friends, who are not yet Christians, are willing to pray to God for Tony¡¦s healing. We are praying they will be touched by the Holy Spirit.

The Lord has sent so many angels to take care of us, they are not just sending us regards, but actually and continuously doing something to make our lives better. Some of them we hardly keep in touch or we don¡¦t even know before! God comforts us in all our tribulation, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in trouble.

¡§My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you.¡¨

How can we still be triumphant and thankful under intense pressure of suffering and hardship? We know this ¡§transcends all understanding¡¨. But we are holding the peace in Him, even in times of storm.

Please forward this to your fellowship so that everyone can pray for us. Also would you pray fervently for Norm Fong, a brother in our English congregation, who will be undergoing a major surgery Thursday morning. He is having cancer for the third time. This time is around his left eye. Please pray for a successful surgery or he could lose his sight.

Thanks again.

In Christ,


How God is working in their family reminds me of how God worked in my family. Some of you know my grandmother passed away about a year ago and my grandfather has been having a rough time since. After her death, I was heart broken and not sure if I'd ever see her again, because I didn't know for certain if she had accepted Christ. She'd had a mild stroke, but the doctor's gave her the wrong medication that induced another stroke, which ended her life. I remember I didn't understand why it happened, or what good could come from the situation, but I trusted God's plan and how he always brings light to dark situations. My dad went back for the funeral and he was able to share the gospel with my grandfather, which struck curiousity within my uncle. Although, he's not yet a believer, the seeds been planted, and I can only keep praying. Another one of my uncles became a Christian in college and fell away due to lack of time, but after the incident, he started going to church again, and his wife even turned from being buddhist to Christianity. My dad's been back to see my grandfather three times since my grandma left him, and each time he keeps asking him if he's ready to accept Christ. He hasn't said that he will yet, and he's turning 90 in a month, but we keep our chin up cuz I know that through our prayers, God can penetrate his heart.

After it happened, I feel like time is short, and we only have so many opportunities to share our faith with people we care about. Sometimes sharing our faith with family members is the last thing on our mind...but it's something we as Christians can be thinking about...about eternity.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

you are my sunshine......

saw a guy with a ice cream wrapper on his back at j2 today.....that made me laugh.

Tiff and I make some mean cheesecake. What can I say....Duck Tape...we're not only beasts on the field....but we are some pretty awesome individuals.

stay to come.

now it's time for some estudiando

Monday, November 08, 2004

when you say hi.....

after man weeks of thinking about going to kerbey lane, I finally went. Gingerbread pancakes are SO worth the long trek in the very cold weather down guadalupe. On top of that 2am excursion, study parties really blew this weekend away. I still can't believe I'm in college...the things we do.

Lately, God's been helping me understand a little more about prayer, Christian living, and suffering. What do you think ties those three things together? A lot of the time, I find myself sending too much time thinking about what to pray versus praying through the Spirit and laying all of life's circumstances at God's feet. If I didn't spend so much time thinking, maybe I would know what it is to experience praying in accordance to God's will....even when we pray, we want to be in control of our prayers. The concept is simple, but execution is hard: Let go and let God.

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." Romans 8:26

hm...Christian living and suffering....we often think about being persecuted for our faith, by non-Christians, but ever thought about being persecuted for your faith by your brothers and sisters in Christ? It's sad that sometimes how our Christian community is just as human as the next joe. Aren't we suppose to be set apart? The challenge comes in following Christ, rebuking your brothers for their actions out of love, and being shunned for doing so. Is there any way we win this?

Thursday, November 04, 2004

for the love of the game.....

stats keeps me I decided to post...since next week calls for some major nerdification =)

As most of you already know, the Duck Tape season came to a close this evening. I have to say I have never had so much fun playing football before. This season shined a whole new perspective on my views of the sport I once found too violent and dangerous. I can't say that view has changed much....just because too many people were injured this season (for there is no safe sport). Shawn was a great manager, he always made me feel like I knew what I was doing...even when I might not have. Defense...was awesome....nearly an unpenetrable line for the season. I've enjoyed getting to meet so many new faces and fellowshiping with new people through this footballin experience. I'm definitely glad that coed flag football was so eventful for me my frosh year at the U....which wouldn't have been made possible without Duck Tape...a blessing for sure. I don't know who paid for me to be on an IM fact I wasn't completely sure if I'd been signed up....whoever you are thanks a bunch...but dont come asking for your $8 =)

I know I should be sad, and while I am, I'm also incredibly happy and thankful. I'm sad because we lost by a single poopy little point...and a lucky touchdown. However, I'm SO thankful that NO ONE got hurt this game. All throughout the game I kept repeating the same prayer, that everyone would leave the field unscathed. Praise the Lord.

Now I am tired...and SOOOO excited that it's 43 degrees outside ...wooohooo.

Monday, November 01, 2004


So my uncle sent me an email. I now have a new little cousin .... my uncle's third son. I don't know his name or even if it's a he (that's just what the doctors predicted the baby would be....but I dont cant ever tell the gender of a baby from the pictures). New family members are exciting =)

Come support Duck Wed 11/3 9pm

daylight savings has officially messed up my biological did this crazy but fun weekend. I can feel a few years coming off my lifespan.

I can't believe we're registering for classes this week.....freshman year needs to hold it's horses...

my head's feeling rather blah this maybe I'll update with something a little more insightful later this week. In any case..Praise God for the cooler regularly and sleep regularly so you don't get sick! Who says a college kid can't be healthy?

Psalms 89:8
O LORD God Almighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O LORD , and your faithfulness surrounds you.