Monday, March 31, 2003

I've decided to join in the Steeni tradition and do the "Friday Five" even though it's not excatly friday, and i'm not excatly bored or have free time... i figure.. if i wanted to procrastinate.. there are actually loads of distractions aside from aim....this is one of them.. i promise..i wont blog in excess....(omg.. my dad's watching the spanish channel...weirdo...)

1. What was your most memorable moment from the last week?
when i accidentally gave the lunch lady a receipt instead of a dollar but was honest enough to go back and pay for my lunch.

2. What one person touched your life this week?
my sister for checking up on me to see if i was ok and for sticking little notes through the bathroom when i showered.

3. How have you helped someone this week?
i willingly put up the dishes without complaint.. therefore i helped my mom out so that she wudnt have to complain abt me not putting away the dishes.

4. What one thing do you need to get done by this time next week?
eat a pretzel

5. What one thing will you do over the next seven days to make your world a better place?
i go with steeni... sleep.... one less trouble maker...hehe..oh and do ubberly awesome on the SATs so that money is not wasted... ( i guess i cud recycle newspapers!?!?)

i have succumbed to lowly away message reader~ my only source to the outside world. i am no longer an aim-user but an aim-onlooker. actually it's rather amusing looking at the buddy list and not being able to enter into the world of aim.....or not...
i actually believe i am making the right choice.. turns out that i have a load of work and a very confusing bio test on wednesday. today was a weird day. i knew i was at school but it didnt feel as thought i was actually there.
i had a nightmare about aps last night. i dont remember the content of my dream....but i know i woke up very confused...
i am really sleepy even thought i just woke up from a nap
my legs hurt
i'm being random now
i think i'll go eat dinner
or work on some reading workshop.
sounds good

Sunday, March 30, 2003

DarkJediPete: whoa! a week of no aim...I would go kill myself :-P hehe, well good luck at it!
at steven's request.. sharing the laughs

many of you know the story of the mexican ranger on my letter jacket... an incident after sunday school today.

(while jeremy, mok, steven, glores... points & laughs at scary man on my jacket.)

xiao: (looks at my jacket and sees scary man) wut is that?!?! is that a club or something
steven: uh.. xiao.. do u go to clements? that's your mascot!
*laughs*the signature head shake*

big thanx to daphane chang for helping me lose 1000 brain cells by smacking her hand at 100mph at my forehead.

make those evil dreambook signers stop!!!
as if one cold day were not enuf, i decide to spend yet another cold day outside with the ymca crew. we had a lil team building wutchamacalit. push the cold aside and i guess i had a pretty good day. there was this tyte guitarist who played some jars of clay and bebo norman, it was pretty kewl.. .good voice. ( he played love song for a Saviour.) then we played some perdy fun games. human foosball. you actually get strapped into an inflated foosball looking thing and you slide around and kick a ball, it was fun but violent and now i have bruises on my leg. then there was this relay thing which consisted of canoeing, figuring out riddles, rope climbing, and running. guess which part of that i took place in..... u got it.. running. there was also an inflatable where u had to climb up these brick looking things. the team i was on the "J crew" got third place over all. not only was it fun but we also got chik-fil-a for lunch and cheesecake for snack... so basically the food once again made staying out in the cold worth it.

*sigh* SATs next week.... for real this week.. i shall be joining the anti-aim campaign (begins tomorrow)... if u ever see me online.... yell, scream, kick, beat me up... i give u permission... no aim this week (away messages dont count)... unless i have everything completely accomplished...(which never happens... so u can almost always be sure that i'm lying if i tell u i'm done w/ my work.) however, after this week... i shall be able to rest easy... sorta.. until my score comes out.. herm... well i have some stuff to do... lotsa stuff... so i'll make like a plane and jet.

Saturday, March 29, 2003

so... i got to skip 5th n 6th for track meet @ Foster. Foster has the worst rep for having windy meets. last yr... foster was where i ate ground and added to my battle wounds by 2 and it was the first and coldest meet. this yr at foster, the weather was FREEZING and it's the last meet b4 districts. i ran horidly and mita rolled my ankle. then my shins were buggin me the entire time. and ever since i landed on my arm that time at fellowship, it's been acting up. for instance, when i move my arm around sometimes my elbow feels weird, and there's this strange pain that's not really a pain but it's is... so it's just sore.... i seriouly think i mita injured something serious. but then i talk to my dad and he gives me a typical dad's answer "with time it will heal". but dad knows all... so i guess he mite be right. the only good thing abt my meet today was buying nachos after my races and getting free hot chocolate. and i guess i had a blast chillin (literally) with my track folk.... we're pretty strange at meets...u think u a person... wait'll u see em at track meets.
while varsity meets are totally awesome to go to... jv meets are more fun to run in (only cuz i medal..hehe) and clements is quite the sight. we have like.. a unintentional routine. we get off the bus, walk to the track and sit smack dab in the middle of the field. then after about 15 minutes, while the other teams are doing a team warm up, about five girls go and do a warm up lap while the other 99% of the team has already whooped out their hw and starts studying for tests. oh and i remember last yr at districts ... it was really sunny and SO many ppl sat out and tanned... they actually brought tanning lotion... quite a site.
herm.. my fingers smell funny... and i shocked my parents when i wasnt asked to put away the dishes but did it by myself anywayz...i actually surprised myself.. then i went to take a nap.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

OpHeEeNieEe: but it's better to have studied and kinna forgot than not study at all
DarkJediPete: haha paradox :-P
OpHeEeNieEe: o no! am i really becoming some literary freak?
DarkJediPete: oh dear.....
DarkJediPete: it's probably a phase :-P :-P

*vigorous head shaking......
Had one of those moments today. so i had to drive home at lunch to get my running shoes so that coach wudnt beat me like an egg at practice. when i got back for lunch, i had to pay my AP dues. after i paid, i had my receipt and a dollar bill in one hand. then i went to buy my lunch. after getting my lunch i went to pay for my lunch and i handed the lunch lady wut i thought was my dollar. when i returned to the lunch table, i was going to put my receipt away. instead of seeing my receipt when i looked at my hand, i saw my dollar. apparently, i had given the lunch lady my ap receipt instead of my dollar. so i go back to the lunch lady and i told her that i accidentally handed her my reciept instead of the dollar and all she said was, " o really?" and then she retrieved my receipt and said, "o yes!"... i cant believe she didnt even notice.....

presently my legs are in so much pain.. it hurts to walk and it hurts to drive. when i push down on the accelerator, an intense rush of pain shoots through my shins. when i walk up the stairs, it feels as if i placed burning coals on my shins. as i was running today at track, i dont even think i felt my legs at all. it was kinna like running on air, but at times i cud feel the pain. this is wut i get when i forget to ice my shins for 4 nights. so at the moment, i'm also icing my shins and my legs are regaining conciousness and sensitivity. whew!

gahhh... i'm missing 5th n 6th for a track meet on friday. it's terrible cuz i'll miss bio and then i know i wont understand something or other..then i'll fail the test and then i'll not get exemptions and then... and then.. i cud go on.. *sigh*..haha...i'm really not that bad of a spaz.... i'll miss spanish but.. eh.. that's ok.. taking the quiz in the morning...and missing spanish is actually a plus... next to geocrapy, spanish feels like the longest class of the day. even bio doesnt feel as long and bio is actually the longest class of my day. i think i'm gonna be productive and eat dinner...

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

OpHeEeNieEe: my house is abt to fall down.. and ur all safe n sound.. inthe other side of town
OpHeEeNieEe: omg.. that rhymed!!!
jdaVII: hahahahahahah
jdaVII: a poet!

^_^ I AM!!
fallin f0r y0u: wow, i cant believe im bout to say this, but im having fun while chumping
fallin f0r y0u: its AMAZING!

OH NO! wut is this world coming to?!?!?
aceoFheartsEsquE: super secret angent Ophie
OpHeEeNieEe: ;-) u know it
aceoFheartsEsquE: Ophie Possible
PEEEYEWWWW.... that pretty much sums up my cat dissection experience. overall though.. the whole dealio wasn't so bad. got to flip the cat a coupla times and pulled lotsa fat off of it. and our cat isnt that ugly... well it's ugly but not as bad as some. oh.. and the cat's name is Mrs. Cat... (annie named it..hehe) but as glores and i were examining the cat... we cudnt really distinguish whether the cat was male or female.... so.. mr. cat... iono...

*a sign of too much cat dissection...(already)

(as i was taking gloria home.. in my car)

o: yea.. mabbe those boxes people were carrying into steinkamps room were boxes fulla cats!
g: eww... u mean we were carrying cats
o: o man.. hahaa
(gloria sees a black moving bag on the side of the road)
g: whoa is that a cat
o: in the bag?
g: yea... it was moving!
o: we've been dissecting cats a little too long... we're seeing things now!
g: but it was really moving

hehee....i've decided that from now until may 12.. it'll be pure torture.. it will be stress left and right... and i was bitter about something in spanish.. but i dun think it was important since...i dun remember it anymore. but anyhoo...for me.. stress is only stress when u think it's stress.
Oh and i think my track coach has officially gone insane. today one of my fellow hurdlers went up to him and told him that she coughed up blood last night and that she was coming down with a cold. his reply was, "oh ok" and when i asked to go to the nhs meeting.. he wudnt let me go! then this other hurdler pulled her hamstring and he just looked at her and looked away and said... "go and go through another seven hurdles." track is not wut it use to be. I remember track was fun, coaches were motivating, we got track shirts. ever since i started becoming a ranger athelete (w/ rankin as coach) we haven't had track shirts!!! gahhh... and i've run slower and slower...well mabbe that's me...
OH OH... chinese dessert downstairs... sudden desire for some of that good stuff....

Monday, March 24, 2003

Herm.. i have some pretty strange ppl signing my dreambook....a Jaroslav Perkl and Private Krankenversichenrung.....where do all the random people come from?
Today wasn't so bad i suppose... kinda had to get back into the fling-a-things. geocrapy was... well to say the least, she moved my scholar report up 3 days, so that doesnt make me too happy, that's one more thing i have to deal with today... great gotta go look up stuff on Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan....^_*
i realize now why i'm doing so bad in pre cal.. i think it's cuz i start to zone out when the numbers get too numerous for me.. or they become too big. Like today, i'm not sure i knew what was going on... something about binomial, trinomial something or others....pascal's triangle? *shrug
english however was kewl... got a 95 on video project!!!!! ^_^ all those sleepless nights (more like.. the sleepless night) really paid off.. *whew OH OH.. and i managed to pass my second english test of the year... with a high grade i mite add... very good english day.
bio.. was eh... bio.. need i say more? a couple-a quizzes tomorrow... which i shud go study for rite abt now... grrr OH but get to chop chop the cat cat tomorrow muwahahah!!! ^_^
so now.. i'll be off...i will be lurking around the house aimlessly trying to avoid the pressures of school work.... actually.. i think my nite will consist of ... bio... genghis khan.. some more bio scattered here or there... we'll see... have a great week~

Sunday, March 23, 2003

when going to the bathroom... silence is golden
(names have been censored to prevent from.... yea....)

Betty Sue: do you know wut i was thinking of during the "silence"
Mary Jane: wut?
Betty Sue: cry me a river

Funny the way things work sometimes....
today i came home and i decided that i should start working on some reading workshop stuff... so... i set out to find my book. When i went to the location where i thought my book was, it was nowhere to be found. So i looked and looked and looked and looked for several hours. I searched far and wide and in some pretty weird places for my book so that i could do my homework. After several hours of searching i gave up for a while and went to watch tv. after my show ended, i walked upstairs to search for my book again... and again. Finally, i stopped in the middle of the room and i prayed earnestly to God that He would help me find my book. so... disheartedly.. i walked to my clothes, which needed folding and i found a letter on the floor which i'd opened, when i bent down to retrieve the letter i saw my book!!! it always surprises me when my wee little prayers are answered. it teaches me one simple thing...when in any sort of trouble, big or small, pray and he wil hear you and answer...even if it's just about a book.

so... the break is almost officially over... yea.. i do believe that i am sad...but life goes on and so does the school year... cant wait until next friday!!! more break!!! woothoo!!

Friday, March 21, 2003

Yesterday was a nice day. Didnt do too much after my dental experience. I came home ate dinner... kinna just chilled around the house. Then my parents went to play tennis and my sis and i stayed home and watched the sound of music.... wut a wonderful movie. It's one of those literally heart warming family films that never grow old. Then later on that night i headed over to debs for our gno....yea... gotta love those... and man... iono how ppl lose weight playing ddr... u definitely dont burn much...
However, i gotta admit i've never had so much fun eating someones leftover dinner. I tell ya... every taiwanese mother is a fantastic cook... never met a bad cooking one. I dont remember who's bright idea it was to prank call... ahem.. ppl... but somehow in the mist of my eating leftovers ... i became involved in the scheme....*sigh*.... and then... some know wut happened after that....i've never been hung up on so many times in one night... quite an experience....
anyhoo... woke up the next day and it was one fine morning.... thai cottage... good food... emm... the salad...then after that...most of us just chillaxed... and then.. we headed over to shopping... which was also quite an experience...*wink*
and my newest discovery.. .i have a fetish with the song....look at us now... good song ... o goodness... plx dont let it be a deja vu of secret love... *shakes head*...

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Just had the worst dental experience of all dental experiences. In the past, i've had the reputation of having the worst dental experiences in my family. My first dental experience in Texas, my dentist filled the wrong teeth. Then that guy got fired for something... and i got a new lady. This lady made my gums bleed so bad they wouldnt stop for a day or so. Then today.... my newest/ 3rd dentist not only made my teeth bleed like a river...but also found 6 cavities and my jaw and my teeth are so incredibly sore that i dont even feel like eating or drinking anything.... for the time being...presently.. my mouth is in pain and i think i need an ice pack. As i've discovered from past experiences i end up with more problems than i being with when i go to the dentists office. As if teeth pains wasn't enuf... my allergic reaction got worse... i woke up at 3am and my eye was so big... well not that big.. but it was an abnormal size and shape... not something i bargin for when i'm doing a late nite bathroom call....*sigh*... and spring break is going quite fast... so i must be headed off to do some bio now... trying to drop the procrastination act.... anyhoo... hope everyones day is much more pleasant filled than mine has been thus far.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

It's always pretty kewl to sit back and think how awesome God is. It's pretty kewl how perfectly His plan falls into place. It's pretty amazing how blessed we are to be able to have so much peace and hope in such an awesome Savior. In the mist of our struggles we can so peacefully fall asleep or eat donuts and such. It's a big blessing to know that even though we're at war... we can lead our lives almost as if we'd gotten up yesterday before anything had happened.
Spring Break....has been quite eventful thus far. Sunday went to the rodeo w/ Ngs and family. Steph and i ate a gigantic turkey leg and funnel cake.... and drank lots of coke... watched a few pig races and rode on a roller coaster... and got jinxed on the zipper... when i said.." oh this ride's not so bad...".. come monday morning.. i awoke and went w/ my dad to go pick up my car... and we headed to corpus christi to go camping. We arrive and...after some time... we had a bbq... chinese style.. w/ mongolian beef and squid.... and... some normal stuff.... tuesday... we did a lot of driving around to places .. getting out and hanging at the site for about 30 minutes, getting back in the car and head somewhere else. Then we had dumplings for dinner... and after dinner.. the food musta got to my head becuz ... i was really nutty and insane... iono wut happened.. ask michelle... i still cant believe i was that much a crazy...but personally i think it's michelle's fault that i became such a nut... one too many days w/ her.

and i think my sister found herself a new "special friend" haha.. infact her special friend is over rite now.. and they're playing.. Zelda... no wait... diddy kong... iono... video games. It's quite cute..hahaa..OH OH>.. and now her and the special friend are eating popsicles... o yea.. gotta clean my room.. been putting that off... *sigh*...

Saturday, March 15, 2003

as i sit here and stare at my light....i'm thinking of the sunny beaches of california. I wish i was boogie boarding right now....those were the days....i'm also craving a fruit filled jolly rancher lolli pop...*sigh*... that must be a sign of being tired. enuf of accidental sleeps.....down with them.
herm.. i cant blog rite now.. iono.. not feeling the blog vibes... oh.. but i do know that the Killer Pizza at Wetzel's Pretzels are very tasty.

so tomorrow.. i'm going to attempt to awake early... actually I am waking early to go ....yea.. RUN....hahaa.. just cant get enuf of that running....wut can i say.. running rocks....and now.. i can wake, get ready, eat and have energy tomorrow....

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

a BIG AMEN.....the english project is OVER!!!! holy caroley... an entire month... an entire lifeless, sleepless month....and the day after the project was group finally pulled through...and we managed to complete our master piece. ^_^ so now... we make plans to celebrate.

it's very sad that the weather is getting warmer. no more winter clothes and no more cool weather and no more lotsa stuff..... in comes the texas weather. *sigh*...
of late... i've been having my weird sleeping fits again.... bed at 8 or 9...wake up at 2, 3, or 4.... and yesterday was the worst.. cuz usually i have some hw done b4 i accidentally conk...but yesterday i conked and i hadn't done any hw...but i managed to pull through..
oh and at last thursdays track meet i finally managed to get a medal!!! ahhhh no more 4th places for me!! *sigh* but the coach let me off the hook for running the 300 hurdles cuz we had some ubber soccer girls run instead. Funny now when i have to run the 300 i never wanna...but then when i didnt have to run them... i kinna wanted to.... o well.. i'll definitely get the chance to run them again....

one project down... one more to go... bio project... we get to present some stuff...and now my group is coming over and we gotta work on some coleoptile stuff... sadly the corn seeds i planted have fungus growing on them.. but that's ok.. the experiment will work out....
i've officially been placed in the worlds most unlucky people category for the time being.

Sunday, March 09, 2003

the words of someone that matters to me....

life is short and friends are precious. There are numerous people that come in and out of your life, but few remain forever. Now that you have the opportunity, spend your time wisely with the people that matter the most.

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Today while walking to my car i heard a funny conversation.....

girl number 1: you know how some couples start to look alike after a while?
guy: yea.. that's really true... like so and so looks like her boyfriend and so and so looks like his girlfriend
girl number 2: now that u mention it... they do look alike.
girl number 1: good thing i dont look like anyone right now... i'd hate sharing a face with someone else
guy: haha that's stupid.
girl number 2: do i look like Joe?
guy: mama?
girl number 2: NO my boyfriend!!!!

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

At this moment in time... i am full to the rim. Which prolly isnt good cuz i almost threw up today anyhoo...and now i stuffed myself with fajitas *sigh* Today was a good day. Pretty much stress free...minus the insane track practice....but i managed to not nap in the afternoon...picked up my sister from school...and ate Sushi, fajitas, and chicken for dinner. I guess the only thing really left to do to make my day complete is my homework. For starters... i have a bio project... and then i have an english project to work on... then i gotta prepare my "Kitchen" essay for Ethan Frome.. which btw is the first book i actually really enjoyed reading for class this year.

Oh.. and the newest book i'm reading for reading workshop is called The Inn at Lake Devine by Elinor Lipman
The book is about a girl named Natalie Marx who is Jewish. In 1962, her family decides to take a vacation at the inn at Lake Devine. However, after asking for information about the inn, the family receives a reply that "people who return year after year are Gentiles". As a result of this reply, Natalie is furious and decides to prank the manager of the inn with utterly cruel jokes. So for many years, she plays awful pranks on the manager, Ingrid Berry. She pretends to be the daughter of a mr. Edgarly (who is actually a man who was on trial for murdering his wife). She uses his name to pretend to be an interested customer, but then she sends Ingrid Berry newspaper clippings of his murder for these many years... Natalie plays pranks such as these. (which get even worse)
One summer, she meets this super annoying girl named Robin Fife whose family is planning a vacation at Lake Devine and asks Natalie to come along. How could she pass up such an opportunity? So she agrees to go and see what this Ingrid Berry is really like... and to express mabbe even more hatred towards her for being a Gentile and hating Jews (so she thinks). What she didnt take into account was falling in love with Mrs. Berry's eldest son.....

Monday, March 03, 2003

OpHeEeNieEe: i'll be sure to follow the advice of such an unchump like urself
fallin f0r y0u: *sniff* thats gotta be one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me :-P
i sent this to some of u guys.. but eh.. for those that i didnt.. a little something to share

Best Tips for Living .....
>The most destructive habit.....................Worry
>The greatest Joy......................................Giving
>The greatest loss.....................................Loss of self-respect
>The most satisfying work.......................Helping others
>The ugliest personality trait...................Selfishness
>The most endangered species.................Dedicated leaders
>Our greatest natural resource.................Our youth
>The greatest "shot in the arm".................Encouragement
>The greatest problem to overcome.........Fear
>The most effective sleeping pill..............Peace of mind
>The most crippling failure disease..........Excuses
>The most powerful force in life...............Love
>The most dangerous pariah.......................A gossiper
>The world's most incredible computer.....The brain
>The worst thing to be without...................Hope
>The deadliest weapon................................The tongue
>The two most power-filled words............"I Can"
>The greatest asset.......................................Faith
>The most worthless emotion.....................Self-pity
>The most beautiful attire...........................Smile
>The most prized possession.......................Integrity
>The most contagious spirit........................Enthusiasm
>The most powerful channel of communication.....Prayer
I have decided not to let the "Mrs.Hemme's English Project" get the best of me. Instead, i'm thinking of pleasant thoughts about our finished product and how wonderfully beautiful it shall be. Yesterday was an eventful sunday. to start off my day.... i totally ...almost completely forgot my lines for the children's drama...*sigh* acting skills are getting rusty... my sister on the other hand.. whoa.. my super powers transfered to her... she's like... "future super actress" of America. My english group and i were filming this one scene where i'm my sister's mom and i get to beat her up. She was quite good... i must say... made our scene ever more realistic......
then we had our auction scene... which.... some of u know about.. cuz... u were in it.....but eh.. a BIG THANKS to you all for helping out.....i know i was asking A LOT when you had to be serious...but yea... u DO have it in you to be serious... bravo bravo!

whenever i write something on my blog or something on my away message that i say i'm gonna do... i think i jinx myself.. cuz i never end up doing it.. and i end up sleeping i'm not gonna say wut i plan to do...and i'm just gonna go do my intending action..... perhaps that way there will be no jinxing.... i m sick n tired of all this falling asleep unintentionally business...and not getting stuff done...
Oh.. and the next time anyone sees me buying chocolate... snatch it away from me.. cuz... one of these days.. it's gonna kill me.... oh.. but today.. i ate an entire chocolate bar... and no hives.. or sore throats or anything.. i think my psycological allergy to chocolate may be coming to a close....i guess now... i just dont like it....

Saturday, March 01, 2003

wow... so i haven't a while. herm... and i have nothing to say. I had a track meet today. I woke up at 6:20, got to school at 6:45, the bus left at 7:00 and we headed to Bay City. We arrived at something. Oh... and my day gets better.... i sit around and wait from 8tish to around 1:45 before i run my first race. By that time, my fanny was froze, my toes were froze and so was my nose. Like the rest of my teamates, i was all bundled up in a couple layers of sweats and pillows and blanket. Nevertheless.... we were still shivering from the cold weather....which did not get better...on the got worse. But then i did run a good 300m hurdle second in my heat ^_^ Finally i arrived home....and went to english project a few minutes after and.....we filmed 2 scenes a million times.....cuz... something went wrong everytime... but it's kewl... we had a blast...i got to be a mean, tyrant mother......

so my week up to today....*sigh*... excessive napping...and eh...memory loss... that about sums it up.
Oh.. and a BIG BIG BIG thanx to my three musketeers for praying....and getting me covered...loving ya lots

i cant begin to comprehend my own tiredness....but the nite is still young... going to do wut i do best....