THE WEEK IS FINALLY OVER..... this has been the most miserable week i've had in a really long time. I thought once i made it past wednesday, the week would be downhill right? EENNN... wrong. That was only the beginning......come thursday... another vigorous nite of eventful studying. *sigh* wednesday felt like friday, thursday felt like friday, and when friday came along..... i wanted the year to be over. So i guess dancing was a good relief to a long week of overwhelming stress. But now... i'm stuck with the duty of mastering yet another new set of beats. OK, (i know i've said this to a ton of people aready) but u know how there are certain days that you find people wearing the same kinds of clothing or the same color? Well, wednesday was white collar shirt day (and so and so was off a day) and today (friday) was orange day... it's like that article on esp... but not esp...something else.. i forget the name... anyway, if anyone has a good explanation... tell me cuz i think that's the coolest thing. Today was an awesome day... tuesday was even awesomer (hehe..haha.. )... it's cuz i think i did fairly well on my history test, good on bio quiz and um... unknow about my spanish quiz.. i'm thinkin good... but.. with foregin languages.. unless ur native.... u never know. Man.. first year ever i'm gonna miss the retreat. *sigh* well... not many of us going this year eh?
sick n tired of hearing all these ppl talk about
wuts the deal with this pop life and when's it gonna fade out
thing u've got to realize, wut we're doings not a trick
we got the gift of melody we're gonna bring it till the end
( i have that stuck in my head.... i wanna get it out)
Friday, August 30, 2002
Sunday, August 25, 2002
I never knew that finishing your hw early is so self satisfiying. I enjoy having free time to edit my blog.....haha..(no life? yes....) I actually, as michelle aready knows, am doing next weeks hw...haha... yes.. overachieving nerd with no life. Actually i'm just trying to be a disciplined overachieving nerd with a semi life. And my next goal in life is to go see Signs. I haven't seen a decent scary movie in a while... actually i watched stigmata again like.. a few weeks ago... it was better the second time cuz i actually watched it b4 12 and i wasn't tired. But i'm in the movie for a fright. You know... since i'm on a roll... i'm thinking of studying for wednesdays bio test today.....hehe...actually i'm gonna go bake some cookies for some peeps b-day. L*Ta
lalala.. haha.. waiting for my hair to dry... dont like hair dryers much... bad for ur hair. Anywaz....fellowhship was fun today. Today was a good day. I got a ton of my hw done.... then practiced for the talent show stuff some... and then fellowship... and of course.. i got to talk on the phone w/ Deeni.. great convo... heart to heart talking is a great thing. I think i sat in an ant pile today or something cuz... i got a whole bunch of ant bites... and i had to get the poison out... *ouch* (my exciting thing of the day...)... hum.. it's kinda real early.. and time for me to rest soon... and since my comp is next to my parents room for the time being.. i'm not gonna risk waking my mom up (baddd thing) so i'll go...peace out
Wednesday, August 21, 2002
WELL~~ *SIGH*..... back in school now.... several days... lived through a weekend... many more weeks to come.... and no parking space to park in =(..... bummer.. that's ok..School has been... actually alright. I dont enjoy getting up at the odd hours of the morning but.....{oooooo ENYA!!....(listening to the techno version of sail away..hehe)} i guess i can learn to love the early morning. Another frown.... my dad is outta town, one less parent to help me w/ pre-cal. I think tho that yet another frown is i dont get to have more classes w/ my favorite ppl. Some of my favorite ppl i have classes w/ but.....not as many as last yr. (especially bio 4th, 1st semester *wink wink*) Speaking of II is not a very exciting class. I dont enjoy the nightly outlining and studying but... .i guess it's not that bad..... speaking of which, i must go study......need to go ace a quiz.
Tuesday, August 13, 2002
DUN DUN DUN DUN**** This summer has been so awesome. I've had way too many life changing experiences that have rocked my world. But you know what? I think that i've had just enough fun to last me for a few lifetimes (dang... only have one..hehe=). I have confidence that i'll make it throught this year a-o-k. This summer has been so short but so much has happened in the meantime. In some ways (oddly enough) i'm looking foward to going back to school. This year will be a weird one. Especially since "the four of us" will litterally be spread all around the nation. *sigh* our first taste of this will begin once cyndi leaves huh? But i'm excited to see how things happen. I saw my mom's best friend of 20 years this weekend. I can't imagine knowing anyone for 20 years. But 13 years from now i'll have known many of you for 20 years...hehe... Funniest thing too, when my mom's friend saw clements she was u guys live really close to a jail..... and then she was like.... how come you guys have so a strange jail facility. I cracked up... ahahahhaa.. i was like... uh... that's my school =)
Sunday, August 04, 2002
i'm having a cow of a time online.. more people... it's like a rush when u talk to 1 person at a time...haha... j/k....i finally found something that makes texas rock.. minus my way cool house, the fact that there is a tax free weekend. WOW... tell me about it.. i remember going to oregon and freaking out cuz i didnt have to think tax. *sigh of relief. Wow.... sleep overs all so much fun cuz you dont really sleep. Just a bit of advice for those of u who aren't as bright as i am.... dont drink 2 cups of coke, a cup of pepsi, 2 slices of pizza, slice of cake, thing of browie.... and expect to be able to sleep. Me, mich and gloria... heck of a time..o yea..... and a heck of a time trying to keep lids above eye level during service........wah. Ok, i never got a chance to nap today... so i've been surviving quite well with 2 hrs of sleep. The greatest surprise of all came to me when for some odd reason everyone knew that we'd had a girls night out. Weird or what? All the adults would be saying stuff like, "oh... u must be tired aren't you?" Someone asked me the other day, if u wanted to have total controll over one body organ which one would it be? i Have to say Heart.... u have no control.. .and sometimes it nice to have some.